Sasha and I went to the Sumo, again またお相撲見に行きました

Sasha and I ventured to the wilds of Ogura, west of Uji, possibly the most dismal urban settlement known to mankind. Even the scarecrows looked on the verge of self-extinction. Yet we strode into the desert, to see the Face of God.

Actually, we saw the face of Asashoryu, and pretty hairy and pimply and Mongolian, it was.

He was actually rather charming, clowning for the crowds. When he fought - and lost - to Hakuho, they both cracked ear-to-ear grins. The charity Jungyo are fun-filled affairs, without the tension of the Honbasho.

It took six Rikishi to truss the Yokuzuna up in his 15kg ceremonial 'Tsuna' rope (hence 'yokozuna' btw). See below. I know a lady who can do that by herself, but that's another story...

I didn't get the photos I'd hoped for (again). I never seem to do well photographically at the Sumo. Perhaps cos I'm too excited by the proceedings.

小結, 安美錦 Here's Komusubi Aminishiki:

前頭二枚目, 旭天鵬 And Maegashira Number 2, Kyokutenhou: