Every Now and Then, I See an 'Aaron' たまに「ああろん」が見つかります

「ああろん」という物は写真、かんばん、オブジェー、景色などです。全部私の友達アーロンくんが好きそうなものです。They are sights, objects, pictures etc that I imagine my mate Aaron would like. This is an Aaron in Hokkaido:

This is called 'Condensed Dog'. It is a semi-Aaron. However, if he approves it, it will gain promotion to a full-Aaron.

Here's another one:

「であいその273写真と私の人生」招待 Invitation to the lecture "My Life in Photography" December 15th

入場無料。All welcome, admission free. Please drop by if you are free, if only to check out the spiffy Butsudai centre, at the junction of Shijo-Karasuma (NE corner, 4F).

であいその273 写真と私の人生
―My life in photography―
講師 John Ashburne(Freelance Writer, Editor, Photographer)
内容 初めて自分のカメラを買って以来、写真は人生の大きな部分となっています。30ヶ国をカメラと旅し、世界写真コンテストに2度優勝しました。観光写真は撮らず、写真家でもなく強いて言えばフォトアーティストです。
開講日 2010年12月15日(水)
時間 13:00〜14:30

New Cut-Price Airline Starts Operations from Kansai International Airport 激安!大共栄圏航空KIX-HRB初便

Greater Co-Prosperity Airlines has announced a new service to Harbin, with one-way tickets starting at 500 sen. It is proving especially popular with young female 'OL' office workers, looking for an inexpensive getaway, and the opportunity 'to meet and colonise new Asiatic peoples'.

Whilst initial flights have experienced certain 'operational difficulties', the safety apparatus is the finest modern technology can offer.


Charlie Chaplin in Kobe in 1932 伝説に彩られた「ありふれた人」とハリウッドのスーパースターのチャーリー・チャップリン氏は、間一髪のところで神戸での暗殺を逃れました

In 3D, so they say! Looking happy. Before they tried to assassinate him, that is. Well, they thought about it, anyway.

You can read about that here:

Charlie had an interesting death as well as an interesting life. On March 1, 1978, some 46 years after the above picture was taken in Kobe, his body was stolen from his Swiss grave 'by a small group of Polish and Bulgarian mechanics'. When they recovered Charlie, they put him under six feet of concrete to make sure it wouldn't happen again.
That's the Swiss for you.

Gone but not forgotten. Not least in Japan, where he reminds users of the Tokyo Subway Transit System to mind their manners.

The above is from Tokyo-based British designer Phil Couzens' very nice blog. You can find that here: http://philcouzens.wordpress.com/

I was wondering if anyone... あなたが果たしてこれを読むのか考えています。

...reads this anymore?
And... Ou sont les pagodes d'antan?

I like that word, 'antan' in French, by the way. It's a bit literary, so I suppose I read it in Racine, or some such like. In English it would be 'yesteryear'. Funny how we develop a fondness for certain words and phrases, isn't it?
cf 'Where are your pagodas now?' (Eng) and 'But where are the pagodas of yesteryear?' (Fre).

We never had pagodas in Bradford.

Lots of chimneys, tho'.

I will not be buying any of these cars soon. Alas.

This above is, believe it or not, a Toyota. 今現代このトヨタ(上)作ればいいね!

So is this, an EX 111. これもトヨタですよ。

Whoever parked this 1970 Mazda RX-500 concept car here should really think more about the environment. 車の違法駐車が深刻な問題になっている。

I like these. It's a Mazda Cosmo. There is one looking forlorn in a showroom in Yamashina, Kyoto. 「ザ・トゥナイト・ショー・ウィズ・ジェイ・レノ」のジェイ・レノが同じ車が持ています。