The Nuyen Sinh French Restaurant in Hanoi & The Road Warrior

Hi John E, you might like to check out this place on Pho Nha Chung street near Hoan kim lake. That street is quite touristy, but still fun, and the restaurant is great. I didn' have any problems with electricity, but then I always carry on…

Joseph Rudyard Kipling Visited Chionin...

This is from his account of his visit in 1889, very Kiplinesque. There isn't too much written in English about his visit, I think, and I have never managed to find anything written in Japanese.Mister Oscar Wilde of the Nineteenth Century i…

Sasha and I at Dell Orso This Afternoon

Nice day today. We wrote a letter to our sponsor child, Laxmi, in Kathmandu.

A most heinous theft has occurred! 泥簿にやられたっ!!グルメ鳥の餌が全部無くなってしまった!

LUXURY BIRD SCOFF HEIST strikes Irie-Cho! 事件の現場です。Scene of the crime: Alas the culprit got away scot-free. 餌泥棒だ!!なんてこったい!!強盗は跡形もなく消えていた。 Identikit woodblock print of the main suspect follows. こちら指名…

In My Garden Yesterday Morning うちの庭によく来る目白ちゃん

[ ] Thanks to Aaron for bringing the feeder from Virginia, and Chia for bringing the bird-food from California. Our Japanese White Eye friends love the international cuisine.

Careful where you rub it on 敏感な部分にぬること注意

Beware sensitive zones. And I don't mean Military #9.

Dame Margot Fonteyn by Bassano & Tilly Losch by E.O Hoppé

I like both these portraits, and didn't know either photographer until I looked at a mail from the National Portrait Gallery, London, this evening. Dame Margot became the chancellor of my alma mater, Durham University, don't you know. But …

無門關の前、碧巌の裏 Before the Gateless Gate, Behind the Blue Cliff


Invitation to Pecha Kucha Night Kyoto Vol 2

I shall be Presenting the following, a sad morality tale about chickens and things like that. With pictures. At URBAN GUILD, Sunday january16th. 日時:2011年1月16日(日)18:30 会場:アバンギルド、木屋町三条下ルニュー京都ビル3F(三条よ…

Lola Profile, after Rembrandt (actually, after dinner) レンブラント・ファン・ローラ

Lola and my Dad ローラとジャック

Lola assisting me at my work-desk.

You Don't See This Every Day: A Cat Eating Dried Natto 干納豆を食べるローラちゃん

Lola digs into sun-dried Natto from Ibaraki. She not only ate it, she ate a lot of it! That's my girl...

Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year

Sasha and the Eiffel Tower. Not in Paris.

She didn't eat it afterwards. That was Godzilla, I think.

Every Now and Then, I See an 'Aaron' たまに「ああろん」が見つかります

「ああろん」という物は写真、かんばん、オブジェー、景色などです。全部私の友達アーロンくんが好きそうなものです。They are sights, objects, pictures etc that I imagine my mate Aaron would like. This is an Aaron in Hokkaido: This is called 'Con…

「であいその273写真と私の人生」招待 Invitation to the lecture "My Life in Photography" December 15th

京都市の中心である佛大キャンパスBUSECで12月15日で1pm〜2:30pm。 入場無料。All welcome, admission free. Please drop by if you are free, if only to check out the spiffy Butsudai centre, at the junction of Shijo-Karasuma (NE corner, 4…


Not to be outdone, the Japanese maritime self-defence force are developing their own new systems of 'aerial locomotion', with the aim of 'putting a sailor into orbit' within the next three years. 新型空中移動装置です。

New Cut-Price Airline Starts Operations from Kansai International Airport 激安!大共栄圏航空KIX-HRB初便

Greater Co-Prosperity Airlines has announced a new service to Harbin, with one-way tickets starting at 500 sen. It is proving especially popular with young female 'OL' office workers, looking for an inexpensive getaway, and the opportunity…

Charlie Chaplin in Kobe in 1932 伝説に彩られた「ありふれた人」とハリウッドのスーパースターのチャーリー・チャップリン氏は、間一髪のところで神戸での暗殺を逃れました

In 3D, so they say! Looking happy. Before they tried to assassinate him, that is. Well, they thought about it, anyway. You can read about that here: ] 五・一五事件の前日にはイギリスの喜劇俳優のチャールズ・チャップリンが来日し、事件当日に犬…

I was wondering if anyone... あなたが果たしてこれを読むのか考えています。

...reads this anymore? And... Ou sont les pagodes d'antan? そして、心弾んだ過ぎし日の仏塔はどこに脱出しましたか? I like that word, 'antan' in French, by the way. It's a bit literary, so I suppose I read it in Racine, or some such like. In…

I will not be buying any of these cars soon. Alas.

[ This above is, believe it or not, a Toyota. 今現代このトヨタ(上)作ればいいね! So is this, an EX 111. これもトヨタですよ。 Whoever parked this 1970 Mazda RX-500 concept car here should really think more about the environment. 車の違法…


My friend came out of a 50-year retirement the other day to dance Nihon-buyo. She was amazing.

Yumiko Utsuの作品

[ シュルームズ! トマトヘッド] 蛸gramme.My titles, not hers, btw. i like her stuff. You?

琵琶湖から撮ったの比叡山 Mount Hiei from Lake Biwa


[ 369 Gallery, near my house. Nishiki-koji Market. Cosplay Yout' at the Manga Museum. Geisha at Hanagumo. Diamonds Are Forever, at Metro. At TranQ Room.


Bought these but not quite sure what to do with them. Last time I used 'ara' to make fish-head soup it tasted like watery glue.


Micah Gampel's "Boku no Nippon" now showing at Caffe Dell' Orso. マイカーガンペル写真展「僕の日本」

Until October. 10月中旬まで Caffe dell Orso 京都市左京区吉田中阿達町36-13 TEL 075-761-7600 OPEN 11:30-18:00 (L.O. 17:30) Closed Sunday and public holidays.

This is a man with...

... a bucket on his head. バケツマンです。 in the town of Nishiwaki, Hyogo, where people make their own entertainment. エンターテインメントのスターやファンは、この町の死にお悔みを述べています。

I updated my Flickr account after a long absence お久しぶりにFlickrに写真をアップしました Here is Mr D aka Meatwhip, in DJ action. DJミートウィップさんです。 And Maria Jikuuuuuuuuu. (count those U-s, all 9 of 'em) マリア時空です。 This is all that remains of the Nishiwaki, Hyogo branch of Chica…