Entries from 2009-12-01 to 1 month

メリークリスマス! Merry Xmas to Everyone

Have a Cool Yule! コマドリちゃんだ! イギリスでは人家近くの林に生息し、警戒心が弱く人を恐れずに近付いてくるため、ヨーロッパコマドリは人々に愛されている。土を掘っている人間がいると、掘り起こされたミミズなどの餌を探すために好んで近付いてきた…


Happy birthday. We love you, not only on boxing day.

五辻の家のサシャ This Photo just resurfaced, of Sash in the Itsutsuji House

昔の写真が出って来ました〜!I like this one.

Johnnobiの絵日記、今週 My Week In Pictures. At least nothing has physically exploded. Yet.

土曜日13日Saturday 日曜日14日Sunday 月曜日15日Monday 火曜日16日Tuesday 水曜日17日Wednesday 木曜日18日Thursday 金曜日19日Friday 頭の中で翌日のことを一通り確認します Boy, I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings... んん、でも神様の大掛かりな…

Here's a new bilingual map to Dell' Orso, FYI

All very festive.

第14回「How are you, PHOTOGRAPHY?展」是非是非見に来てください You are cordially invited to a Photographic Exhibition and TWO Attendant Parties

ⓒL-R: John Ashburne, エッジイ, Yoshikawa Yasuo, Makino Masahirohttp://www.kyoto-photography-club.jp/hayp/how/index.html Please drop by our photo exhibition if you've time and inclination. It starts tomorrow at Yamamoto Gallery, which is on…

非常にワクワクした気持ちだ! Much Excitement in the Ashburne Household! Well, in one half of it, anyway...

ブラドレー・ウィギンズが来年結成されるイギリスの新チーム、チームスカイに入りました!これで2010年7月、ツール・ド・フランスでに英国団が初チャレンジ!Braddo joins Team Sky. The Brit assault on the Tour de France begins. More later, as I must …

นกเหยี่ยวขนาดเล็ก as they say in Thailand. The Common Kite. とびか?とんびか? どっち?!

The Common Kite? There's nothing 'common' about these birds, other than their numbers. I never tired of watching the Brahminy kites (Milvus Govinda) swooping across the temple reservoirs in Kerala, and I love watching them here in Japan.ト…

The Boys and Girls look the Same 男か女か分からな〜い

一緒ですって。They both have Mohican haircuts. 鳳冠鳥(ホウカンチョウ)です。中南米産の七面鳥に似た鳥だ。パンクスタイルの髪型がかこいですね〜。 The Black Curassow (Crax alector) is a species of bird in the Cracidae family, the chachalacas,…

The Virginian Oppossum, no less バージンニアのふくろうねずみだ!

Hey Dan, Topher, Aaron. I thought this might remind you guys of home... Probably looks like your former girlfriend. Come to think of it, she probably wasn't that comely. 私の三人友達もバージンニア州生まれです。懐かしいでしょうか? This pic…

Caffe Dell' Orso Now Showing 増田朝子氏の個展「ゆっくりと私」

是非見に来て下さい。楽しいです! Come check it out, it's a nice atmosphere, and Masuda-san is likely to be there too. And she's nice. Please pass the message on if you know anyone you think might be interested.

10年W杯南アフリカ大会抽選 Here we go, Here we go, Here we go. Again.

あああ、またそんな作り話がはじまります。これからイギリスの国民が悪夢に悩まされるだね〜 And so, the feverish, wildly over-expectant dreaming begins again. Has four years really passed so quickly? And do we really have to go through all that…

Sashaの誕生日パーティ Sasha's Birthday Party was Fun!

これは合成写真ではないです。ふみおはこの顔です。 This is not a trick photograph, and I did not manipulate the image. This is what Fumio looks like. Topherも。 Ditto with Topher. But maybe I should have photoshppped him a bit..? ビールおく…