Entries from 2009-04-01 to 1 month

Dell Orso Friends. And Fumio. コメディア・デル・オルソ Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.

ふみおとダニエラ aka 美女と野獣 D&D. Dobu and Daniela. みつるとふみお なんか「タクシー・ドライバー」のロバートデニロ(左)とフィリピンヤクザ(右)のようであるでしょうか? 'You talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?' Mitsuru 'Travis' Nakamura an…

Recommended Ramen 7: Chuka Soba Asano あさの中華そば

Sasha and I drive down to Karahashi in Minami Ku just to eat at this place on Kujo-dori.Their Chahan fried rice is great too. 懐かしい味です、超美味しい! 中華そば600円お薦めである。ちゃはんもおいしいです。Home-made garlic in shoyu, a b…

Caffe Dell' Orso, The Best Italian caffe in Kyoto, Kansai and indeed possibly the whole Universe; the only Problem is... the Customers and Staff このイタリア風ナチュラルカッフェは最高です;残念ながらお客さんもスタッフもpsycho

熊を始めとする全ての毛深いアニマル、または種々の未開人よ、ようこそ!これぞ皆の居場所だ! Hairy animals and assorted barbarians welcome ユージュアル・サスペクツ 映画を見た人なら分かるはず。The Usual Suspects. 左から:ルーツはマレーシアペナ…

Recommended Ramen 6: Tengu's Chuka Soba 天狗食堂の中華そば

天狗食堂 電話 非公開 京都府京都市左京区田中西大久保町 営業時間 10時〜16時 定休日 火曜日Tengu Shokudo in Moto-Tanaka, facing on to Higashioji-Dori (across from Didi's) has to have the best value for money Chuka Soba in Kyoto. Just 450 y…

仏と象 At the Temple behind my Guest House 餅米と花は神様へのお供えです

Footsore Bodhisattva. Clearly, it's a long difficult path to enlightenment. わはは、菩薩も腱膜瘤! Broken finger, peaceful hand. 折れた指より平和 The Psychedeliphant! 夢遊性象〜! At times SE Asia Buddhist art gets decidedly trippy. I assu…

Some of the Nice People I met in Laos ラオスで一期一会

The little girl at the market.Philippa from Sweden. On her way to Vietnam... Happy trails Ms P. Wishing you mucho happiness. フィリッパちゃん、20歳、スェーデン人。お次はヴェトナムへと。Sensong. Painter, photographer, orphan and high-scho…

Inspector Joe Cool Hard at Work 麻薬探知犬の配備、タイスタイル

In Suvarnabhumi Airport, Bangkok. He is a drug-sniffing dog (really), but I think he might have been consuming the products. タイ、バンコク、スワンナプーム国際空港. 麻薬を探知しすぎかな〜?!And this is his Lao counterpart, policing the st…

Fumio's Mum's Spinach Soup ふみお母ちゃんのほれんそうで作ったスープ

Tastes pretty fine! Seasoned with nutmeg. Oh, and with my own chicken stock. 美味しいだんべ〜!奥の手はナツメグです。それと広島生産地鶏の鶏ガラスープ

My Small Family Car and Fumio's Mum うちの径車とふみおくんのかわいいお母さん

Yesterday we drove up to Kutsuki-mura to visit my friend Fumio's mum. She is 84 and incredibly cute. That is her in the foreground, with the lovely silver hair. 昨日私達は朽木村までバーキン7でドライブしました。友達ふみおくんのお母さん会い…

異常な低血糖値 What Happens When the Blood Sugar Levels Have Plummeted

要注意人物 Stay clear of this man at all costs.四条大宮周辺の「京一らーめん」です。私みたい常連客もいっぱいかな〜? ああ、やばい!Fortunately most of the other regular customers are relatively civilized. This is Kyoichi Ramen at Shijo-Omiy…

The Best Dog in the World 犬も悟り開くですか?

Once upon a time, I believe Buddhists would fight over the issue of whether or not animals can achieve enlightenment... I think this Sri Lankan dog knows the answer. Not that he is likely to tell us any time soon. ひらくううう〜zzzzzzz

ラオスの交通安全基本講座i Dangers of Road Travel in Laos: Introductory Lecture i

Overtaking in mid-air only allowed on the right. 空中追い越し車線右Beware of attractive people crossing. 美人注意Don't end up like the frog. 南無阿弥陀仏Come to think of it, that's about all you need to know, really. 考えてみると、それでお…

The Pho Shop's Pho and the Pho Shop's Kitten, Luang Prabang またJohnnobiの日記で麺類と猫...

Pho (ベトナム風うどん)バリバリ美味しいですよ!Ye Gods, it was good. And I couldn't complain about the price, about 30 yen (which, by the way, is about 3 million bazillion lao kip). この子はばりばりかわいいでしたよ!"OK, so the surroundings…

Monks at Dawn En Route for the Temple in Luang Prabang, Laos. ルアンプラバン、ラオス、托鉢中のお坊さん達

おやつアタッ〜ク! Take No Prisoners!

Cats needs snacks too, you know. Also behind Khaosan Road.

タイの宗教的な図像も面白いですね! Bluefish Elephantfish

Who would have thought elephants could swim like this? In Bangkok, in one of the alleyways that runs parallel with Khaosan Road. I have photographed this wall a number of times over the years, watching it slowly change. Alas not all the ch…

Fushimi Inari ダルマ達と狐

Daruma awaiting eyeballs.目玉まち。 This fox slips out at might to play.かごの白狐。

Drinking Sake in the Paddy Field where the Rice for the Sake was Grown 田んぼで一人の聞き酒会

大阪府、能勢の地酒「秋鹿」です。This was in Nose, Osaka Prefecture, at the Akishika brewery. Great sake.

At Korai in Takano 幸来

An unassuming little place on Ohara-Michi. I had the Akamiso Ramen. 赤みそラーメンと野菜炒めSasha opted for the Chahan and Yasai-itame. Sashaとちゃーはん

Lola on the Lookout 猫の警備員ローラ

She is always well composed. Unlike myself. 中道猫でしょう

Spring Has Sprung in Our Little Part of Kyoto 春がやっときました、入江町に

中華そば上@更科 Sarashina's Chuka Soba Jo

Alas the soup was not up to full strength today. Usually it's excellent tho'.

Birkin 7 in Hokkaido バーキンタイム

This is what I do in my spare time. When I am not eating noodles.

室町砂場 日本橋本店 Lunch Earlier This Week @ 'The Sandpit' in Nihonbashi, Tokyo

Sunaba was the first Soba shop to serve tempura soba, apparently. Before them, the buckwheat noodles and the tempura were served separately. The Sunaba 'tsuyu' sauce is unusually smoky and strong. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I love it p…

Recommended Ramen 5 The Best Ramen in the World? 世界一激美味らーめん 西浅草の来集軒

My favourite, in Nishi Asakusa, Tokyo. Raishuken. 懐かしいの味です。ちじり麺最高!http://www.raisyuken.co.jp/ramen%20gazou.html

Recommended Ramen 4 京平さんの博多らーめん Eating Hakata Ramen at Kyohei

これも美味しいだんべ〜!My friend Yuko said that I look like a cat eating a mouse. 猫が獲物をたべる顔ですて!