Entries from 2009-03-20 to 1 day

Recomended Ramen 2 博多っ子らーめん

これは美味いだんべ〜!九州らーめん 650 yen. 胡椒とごまと自家製からし高菜と紅ショウガ27本と食べてね。 This is gutsy Kyushu-style ramen at Hakatakko on Shimogamo Hondori. Highly recommended unless you happen to be on a diet. I believe they p…

On My Beloved Natto: 脱ぎ捨てたまま放置されたスポーツソックスのような匂いを併せ持っている

I wrote about Natto, and it was kindly rendered into Japanese by the same folks who translated my piece on Niku Jaga. Actually, Mr Pinky's Oto did a pretty good job.日本の歩き方: 納豆 Natto (Fermented black soy beans)There are plenty of cu…

肉じゃがの話+刺青+温泉男: What Happens When You Google Yourself

Have you ever Googled your own name? I just did, and a page about tattoos, in Spanish, came up! (http://sakuro.wordpress.com/2007/10/01/%E5%85%A5%E3%82%8C%E5%A2%A8-insercion-de-tinta-irezumi/). Actually, I took the photo. It is Horiyoshi 3…