仏と象 At the Temple behind my Guest House 餅米と花は神様へのお供えです

Footsore Bodhisattva. Clearly, it's a long difficult path to enlightenment. わはは、菩薩も腱膜瘤!

Broken finger, peaceful hand. 折れた指より平和

The Psychedeliphant! 夢遊性象〜!
At times SE Asia Buddhist art gets decidedly trippy. I assume this is an ex-elephant, of the shuffled-off-its-mortal, deceased variety. Fair enough. A commentary on transience, evanescence, 'n' all that. But what exactly is that creature on the top right? A monkey-lizard? A ratdog? And why are the crow and the elephant and the thingummy-creature all bright blue? (The bluebottle I understand).
What are these people smoking? Actually, given that it is Laos, I have a pretty good idea.