Entries from 2009-06-16 to 1 day

またまたゆ〜ing! Soaking in Ohara again.

Carpe of the Diem こいっよ! Glowing Balls (of Rice) えさ! Tofu and 'hatake-niku' ごま豆腐と畑肉(グルーテンで作ています) Garden and Grub いい景色ですね Sasha only mildly dischevelled by the 7 this time 今回オープンカーでまたまたSashaの…

Darwin and Art at the Fitzwilliam Museum チャールズ・ダーウィンと自然選択説とアート

Check it out. http://www.darwinendlessforms.org/gallerydarwin/ 是非このビデオクリップを見て: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8101520.stmIt won't surprise those of you who know me well that when I was at Cambridge I spent a lot m…