ランチはDOTCHI???! The Lunchtime Battle begins: China versus France. Which would you choose?

私は最近食べたLunch Menuはこちらです。I recently had both of these.

A Lunch @幸来 (xx0 yen)

餃子 らーめん Gyoza/Ramen

B Lunch @ Bistro À Table (xx00 yen)

北海道産生帆立 かもロース Raw Scallops/Roast Duck

Which would YOU choose? DOTCHI???!

Cheap and cheerful, on the same side of the street as Tom's Cafe (but south, near the small canal).

Bistro A table!ア・ターブル
京都市中京区寺町通押小路西入ル北側3軒目  電話 075-223-6066
営業時間 11:30〜(L.O.14:00)・18:00〜(L.O.21:00)、木18:00〜(L.O.21:00)、土12:00〜(L.O.15:00)・17:00〜(L.O.21:00)、日祝12:00〜(L.O.15:00)・17:00〜(L.O.20:00)
Actually their 1800 lunch set (of which the above are part) is pretty good value. It is at Teramachi-Oshikoji just a few yards along Oshikoji to the West of the Shiyakusho.