また温泉マニアが始まりました! 溶けるぞ〜! In Hot Water Again; this time Ohara Sanso

Back to Ohara, but this time Ohara Sanso rather than Ohara no Sato. We both prefered this place. Price is the same, but altogether rather nicer. Food, bath and -was it just our imaginations, but we both agreed - the water itself..
Here is a clear documentary photographic record:

Sashaが「お風呂はいりたい!」と。Sasha eager to get to the bath, aka, an 'Ohara start'

入浴前の餌 Pre-bath sustenance

私とSasha入浴前 ローマンチックだな〜! Sasha and I before we got in the bath. Er, romantic isn't it?

お店の人 Our guide

お風呂の仲間 Our bathmate

変なものが出った。河童天狗でしょうか? 絶対猛毒。注意!Strange water creature. Half-kappa, half-tengu, possibly poisonous

お風呂からの景色 The view from the bath

私の又の景色 The view, er, between my legs

浄化されたSasha Post-bath Sasha all clean and shiny

私も「わはは!いつまでもつか?」Me too. Let's see how long it lasts