私の14歳のポスターコレクション Pictures On My Wall (Once Upon a Time in the West of Yorkshire)

When I was 14 years old, living in Bradford, these pictures were on my wall. I was into Mordillo, William Blake and Marilyn. あの時代でも私は不条理主義、難解なアートと色っぽい女に魅了されたでしょうか?

Guillermo Mordillo, the Argentinian cartoonist

William Blake's 'Ancient of Days'


By the time I was 16, they had been replaced by these, er, gentlemen. 16歳の時はこいつらが出ました。ところで「青年期の飲酒は、成人してからの行動に大きな影響を及ぼす」(笑)!
