大昔から持っている愛車 Mi Old Wheels: New Wheels Comin' Soon

It's a trek Y-22 carbon-fibre stealth bomber. Much fun has been had on this machine, not least the first-ever off-road descent of Mount Hiei, and my never-to-be-forgotton cryptomeria face-plant.
Should you so wish, try to unearth this tome and read my story 'High on Hiei':

I was somewhat mad back then, but not THIS mad: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8ub4_vtt-dave-watson-gap-tour-de-france_music

Having catapulted himself over the Tour De France peleton, Dave Watson wiped out somewhat spectacularly, emerging with a 'separated shoulder' and 'severely bruised groin'. Full story here:

Now time to return to my cycling roots. This my new girl. About to arrive soon. Hope she comes with handlebars and a seat. My days of bruised groins are surely over.