From My Collection これらの絵は、ある変人の個人の蔵書だ。

I suggest you click on these images to see them in all their original, splendid detail.

チーター(狩猟豹、Acinonyx jubatus)aka Felis Jubata, the Cheetah, here in all his red-eyed glory. The word cheetah comes from the Sanskrit, citrakāyaḥ, meaning 'variegated body'. They were smart those Sanskritians. And did you know that the Puma sports shoes logo is actually a cheetah, not a puma? 世界的なスポーツシューズメーカーPUMAのロゴはチーターである。A cheetah has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 110 km/h (68 mph) in three seconds, faster than the Ford GT40 mentioned earlier in this blog (OK, I'm a nerd. The 1966 Le Mans-winning GT40 MkiiA does 0-60 in 4.8 secs).
I saw a cheetah mother nursing her cubs when I was on safari in the Masai Mara, Kenya. What a beauty she was.

The Fiery Flamingo and the Milky Pratincole.フラミンゴとヒメツバメチドリ

You might like to know that "the closest living relative of the elegant flamingo, with its long legs built for wading, is not another long-legged species of wading bird but the squat grebe". And that flamingos can survive in volcanic sulphur lakes. And the Romans at their most dissolute used to eat their tongues.

Milky pratincole sounds like a Shakespearean insult, but in fact they are rather pretty wading birds. I saw thenm in Varkala, Kerala State, India.

The Tiger defending its Offspring from the Serpent. I think the illustrator had Delacroix in mind (

The Large Grey-headed Bush Shrike. It is called a Szürkefejű bozótgébics in Hungarian. Not a lot of people know that. In Japanese, it's a オオヤブモズ