私の古里ブラドフォード:大変な町です、でも大好き Hometown or Hell? A Bit of Both, but I Love the Place

One of my favourite all-time photographers, Don McCullin, recently had a show at the National Media Museum, in Bradford, my home town. Naturally, he included shots taken in the city. Her are a few of those, plus some by Fay Godwin (Ted Hughes' wife), and some by yours truly.



I know where DMC took this photo, I think, just at the bottom of Lumb Lane, and not a stone's throw from where I shot my 'Pee Square' image (see below). I think I had the same three-star pullover (in green and gold) as the lad on the right. Those were the heady days of the Bay City Rollers, Mud and Sweet. And 'No Nazis'...

Windsor Baths, Bradford, early 1970s, by Don McCullin
This from a recent interview: I went to the Turkish baths again to ask the old boys if I could photograph them. I was embarrassed. It was a day when old-age pensioners could get in for nothing, and I took them by surprise. The lady gave me a piece of white cloth which you’re meant to wrap around you like a sarong or to lie on. I went in wearing that – I must have looked ridiculous with my camera and tripod and flash-gun.

McCullin's most famous and enduring shots were taken in Vietnam during the war. Interesting that when he returned to England he decided to turn his lens on my home-town. I guess he saw parallels. His book of those shots is called 'Homecoming'.

私はこのパブも知っています。ザ・ベルビュウです。「Belle Vue」=「ええ景色」!!私の不良あんちゃんマイクの前の彼女、ベラーちゃん、はここでのストリッパーでした。易しい人でしたよう〜。
I'm pretty sure I know this pub. I think it is the Belle Vue Tavern, opposite Valley Parade, the football ground belonging to Bradford City Football Club (yup, you guessed it, my favoured team). The Belle Vue was famous/infamous for its strippers. My eldest brother's ex-girlfriend (and the nicest of his many lady-friends) worked there in the same capacity as the lady captured here by Don McC. If you read this, Vera, drop us a line!

Day of Ashura, Bradford, 2006, by Don McCullin

DMC:I went to Bradford a couple of years ago, checked into the hotel and then I thought ‘I’ll just drive up the road’. I was stopped by a policeman who said, “Keep going. Keep going”. I thought, ‘Something’s going on’. So I parked the car and walked. I found a whole load of people flaying their bare bodies with knives, celebrating the day of Ashura, a Shi’a festival. It was snowing and I thought, ‘You can never lose in Bradford, visually’.


Mother and son, Bradford, 1978 by Don McCullin.

DMC: I met a woman who asked me, “Are you from the Press?” because she could see my camera. I said, “Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am”. She said, “Right, get in this house”. She had a child with her and in one of my pictures you can see the child and her in her kitchen, a terrible, terrible place. She said, “Take the gentleman into the house and tell him about the long tails”, and I thought, what’s she talking about? I asked her, “What do you mean, long tails?” And she said, “Rats”.


I'm also pretty sure where DMC took this photo too. I think it was in the Cafe in the old St John's Street market, just across from the small camera shop where I bought my first black-and-white Ilford films. I would go there for chip butties, which I'd smother in tomato ketchup, and I'd accompany them with PG Tips tea, so strong that you could 'stand the spoon up in it'.

The following pics are by Fay Godwin. If you can find her 'Remains of Elmet' or 'Land' they are well worth looking at. She was, to boot, a lovely woman.

This is Cottingley Bridge, just outside Bingley. A large Gypsy community used to live here and have fairs where they would sell 'gypsy broth'. I can't count the time I've passed this field. Maybe even these cows.


A car wash in Manningham, Bradford. This is where locals come to eat curry, men come to find 'ladies of the night', where the large majority of the population are of Asian (Indian Subcontinent) or West Indian extraction, and... where Sasha and I had our wedding party, in the now sadly-defunct freemason's hall.


ソルテアは開明的な産業家サー・タイタス・ソルト(Titus Salt)によって1853年に建設された。ソルテア(Saltaire)という町の名前はソルト(Salt)とエア川(Aire)を組み合わせたものである。彼はブラッドフォードで5 つの工場を経営していたが、それらを全てこの地に移転・集約した。その目的には労働者たちの処遇をブラッドフォードでのものよりも向上させる事や、運河や鉄道による地の利を活かして巨大な繊維工場を作る事が含まれていた。

Salt's Mill and the River Aire. My mum was raised near here, and my Auntie Hilda worked in the mill as a young girl. Saltaire has now become 'trendy', and though the looms have long fallen silent, the mill is home to thriving new technology firm PACE, and the excellent David Hockney museum. I wonder if the stone lions on the pillars at the entrance to Saltaire Gardens still wake up at night and stroll down to the river for a drink?



Alas, so many of Bradford's businesses have gone the way of the 'Speedy Tyre Service'.

Here are a few of my shots from Bradford (not pretending to put myself in the same league as DMC and FG, btw!).

At a wedding on Manninham Lane.

マンニンガムのピール広場。誰かの加賀様でPEEL SQUAREがPEE SQUAREになりました。英語の俗語ではPEE=小便
Pee(l) Square, at the bottom of the notorious Lumb Lane, where Peter Sutcliffe, the Yorkshire Ripper scouted for his victims.

Manningham again. the freemason's hall where Sasha and I had our wedding party - the Connaught Rooms - is the building in the background.

Lumb Lane again. I like the modification to the street sign. Very, well... Bradford.

She may look afronted. But then again, Yorkshire people are BORN affronted. It is opposite the Corn Exchange.
