昔の写真が出て来ました Sashaがきれい Johnは... ヘルター・スケルター Some Old Photos: Sasha in Ashram Mode; Me Punking It Up in the Boonies  

Found some old photos yesterday. This is Sasha at our old house in Nishijin. Sashaはインド人でしょうか?

こいつは何人でしょうか? 人間じゃないでしょうね。
And this is the only known surviving photo of me during my punk years, in what became known to my legion of fan as the 'Rurikei' period. Here I am on stage in a field north of Sonobe, thrilling the audience of octogenarian farmers with my version of 'Helter Skelter'... Our band had two names The Dirty Sticks and/or The Child Stealers. We were... er, ahead of our time.

photograph by Yamada Atsuko