Huichol Arts - Mythology from the Huichol Indians in Mexico 毛糸で奏でる神話の世界 - メキシコ ウィチョル族の伝統アート

On Tuesday I saw this fantastic exhibition at the Kampo Museum in Okazaki. I highly recommend it. For those of you within shouting distance of my house, I have free tickets if you'd like some.

It was one of those exhibits which is so good, and so complex, that you know you'll go back.

10月31日(土曜日)〜2月7日(日曜日) 毛糸で奏でる神話の世界 - メキシコ ウィチョル族の伝統アート Huichol Arts - Mythology from the Huichol Indians in Mexico@京都市左京区岡崎南御所町35 観峰美術館

日墨交流400周年を記念して、メキシコのウィチョル族の伝統アートを紹介する。Artes de Mexico, Franz Mayer Museum と駐日メキシコ大使館の協力を得て、128点の貴重な資料を展示する。

These 'yarn paintings' are all the work of a Huichol 'national treasure', the mara'akame shaman José Benitez Sánchez. この絵はウィチョル族のシャーマン、ホセ・ベニーテス・サンチェスの作品です。

These are just details of the larger pictures. この写真は全部作品の細部です。This is from 'The Mara'akame of Tamatsi Kauyumari' which depicts the Shaman of the supreme deity, Our Elder Brother, He Who Does Not Even Know His Own Name.

I happened to choose birds and serpents. 「第二の世界を創造する神々」This is from 'The Gods Create The Second World':

Yet the Huichol cosmology and universe is full of many different creatures. 「3つの世界」This is from 'The Three Worlds":

The Huichol shamans communicate with their ancestors in ceremonies that involve fasting, walking long distances, and the ritual 'hunting' and ingestion of peyote.In this picture we see La Sepiente de Agua, the Water Snake - 「ミズヘビ」 - and the head of Tamatsi Kauyumari, Our Elder Brother, He Who Does Not Even Know His Own Name.

「神々の世界へ読く道を示す我らの組先」This is a detail from the painting 'Our Ancestors Show Us The Paths':

休館 展示替え期間中および年末年始休
入館料 大人\600(\400)小人\400(\300)
※( )内は10名以上の団体料金
※ 日本習字会員は大人¥200 小人¥100
交通 地下鉄東西線「東山」駅より徒歩15分
駐車場 岡崎公園駐車場をご利用下さい。
〒606-8334 京都市左京区岡崎南御所町35観峰会館
TEL 075-771-7130 FAX 075-771-8441
Kampo Museum link: