非常にワクワクした気持ちだ! Much Excitement in the Ashburne Household! Well, in one half of it, anyway...


Braddo joins Team Sky. The Brit assault on the Tour de France begins.
More later, as I must sleep. Here's the basics tho': http://www.guardian.co.uk/sport/2009/dec/10/bradley-wiggins-team-sky-transfer

His drink of favour, btw, is Pink Elephant's 'Delerium Tremens' and he listens to P.I.L and The Who.
He's a 'character', much like Hinault, Jens, and Fignon. What a great antidote to the anodyne riders who have, dare I say, plagued the Tour of recent times (LeMond, Indurain, Contador, our current World Champion, Cadel Evanzzzzzzzz)

この髪型で、ちょっと「指輪物語」のフロードに似ていませんでしょうか? それかロッド・スチュアート?
Some people think he looks like Frodo Baggins. Others see Rod Stewart.

I see glory!